Expo 2020 Water Feature Cools Visitors Down

Credit: https://gulfnews.com/expo-2020/visit-the-expo/expo-2020-dubai-meet-surreal-the-coolest-new-fountain-in-town-1.1633947070399

is all we need during hot and humid days! A couple of cool, comfy, cosy moments at Expo 2020 called Expo Water Feature will make you fall in love with the whole world. It's a sort of waterfall, or a fountain. Call it whatever you like. Name it The Mystic Falls even because it feels so enigmatic and magical there. 

Credit: https://www.admiddleeast.com/art-design/agenda/water-feature-expo-2020-dubai-wet-design

The water is going to gush down to you from a four-story height. The hydrated ambience is gonna shower you with comfort and tranquility. Oh yeah, and there's background music as well. Total feast it is! I'm being frank, I visited the Water Feature like 5 times within a single week. The best part is that this celebration of extravagant water gush gives ecstasy to all age groups. Kids - they laugh out with zing. Senior citizens - they thank upon enjoying this salubrious feature!

I'm not gonna give out much explanation because literally y'all should go and have surprise. Keep checking my blog posts as I'll be posting about Expo country pavilions as well, guys. RELISH THE BREEZE!


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